How to make fake snow is one of those activities that I found while browsing Pinterest. I like to get ideas of activities and crafts I can do with Z that are fun and can even be a little educational for her. Making fake snow was super simple to make, taking only a few ingredients. And even though it can be a little messy, it’s very easy to clean up.

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I got this recipe from Momma’s Fun World. This blog has tons of fun activities, so definitely check it out! This fake snow is a fun activity to do for those of us that don’t get real snow. Or maybe don’t want to go out in the cold. It takes only 3 ingredients that you probably already have in your house.
All you need to make this is:
- Conditioner (preferably white so it looks like snow)
- Baking soda
- Wooden spoon to stir
- Bowl to mix it in
- Container to play in (I like disposable foil pans)
Just mix the conditioner into the baking soda and voila! Fake snow. This can get a little messy, but it is super easy to clean up afterwards. I will say that out of all the do it at home creations we’ve made, this is one of the easiest to clean up.

Z played with this snow for an hour easily. And this is great sensory play for kids. Z does not like getting her hands dirty, but once she realized she could wash her hands, she really enjoyed it.
This snow feels cool to the touch and can even be molded to make little snowmen. Just don’t squeeze together too hard (like real snow) or it will crumble apart. Z enjoyed playing with it with some of her toys: Barbies, legos, and even using some cookie cutters. The toys are easily rinsed clean in water.

The snow also saves well for future play, we keep ours in a gallon freezer bag. You may need to add a bit more conditioner to revamp the snow if saving it for later.
When the kids are done playing, just wipe down surfaces with a wet cloth. Then vacuum up anything that fell onto the floor (even if playing on carpet). Easy peasy.
I hope you enjoy playing with this fake snow! Let me know how you liked it!